Energy flows and material cycles  

The course introduces various approaches and methods used in landscape and climate change studies. The students practice the use of complex study and data analysis methods in physical geography. Outcome: The student will 1) understand the development patterns of natural features and their mutual relations; 2) know the terminology of physical geography and landscape ecology and is able explain the principles of the functions of main natural complexes; 3) know the main flows of matter in natural landscapes on local, regional, and global scale; 4) know the development of contemporary landscapes and is able to characterize regional units of landscape; 5) know the causes and effects of global environmental changes; 6) be acquainted with the main datasets of physical geography and be able to analyse these; 7) know the main methods of analysis in physical geography; 8) know the evaluation methods of landscape structures and the methods of data analysis in this field.
Energy flows and material cycles

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